Archive for February, 2019

Walk While You Can – With A Spring In Your Step


Catholic Schools Week straddles two months and indeed two seasons. My late granny used to caution that although we welcome the spring and more sunlight from St Brigid’s Day onwards, you can get any weather in February. We saw this last year with the Beast from the East. We may not be out of the woods yet this year in terms of winter weather but what keeps me going are the signs of life slowly awakening in nature: the delicate beauty of a cluster of snowdrops; green shoots pushing up and out of the muddy brown earth; or the dazzling sunrises that stop you in your tracks as you commute to work and make you wonder at the beauty of a new day. Lá nua. Thanks be to God for the ability to put your feet under you; in the words of Fr Tony Coote, to ‘walk while you can’. Father Tony Coote’s wise and inspiring words to us all to be grateful for the ability to put our feet to the ground and walk. At this time of year, when you are tempted to batten down the hatches, get up and out when there’s light and spot the signs of nature awakening. Take in as many sunrises and sunsets as your feet allow. As you walk, breathe out any doubts you had in winter and breathe in spring, filled with faith and trust in God.

~ Amanda Smith

READ: ‘Wild Geese’ by Mary Oliver, who died 17 January 2019 RIP

LISTEN: ‘As I Lay Me Down’, Sophie B. Hawkins

CONSIDER: Check out the website