
St Norbert, bishop

St Jarlath, bishop

Saturday Mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary

‘The Lord’s is the earth and its fulness; come let us adore him.’ (Invitatory antiphon)

Blessed Frédéric Ozanam (1813-1853), founded the Society of St Vincent de Paul (SVP) in France in 1833. The SVP is an international voluntary Christian organisation, the aim of which is, to help people who live in poverty. Once Frédéric asked, ‘Why are… poor people more ready to share their goods than rich people? The answer is easy: The poor have little to lose; the rich have more to lose and they are more attached to their possessions.’


The Gospel today (Mk 12:38-44) is proclaimed at Mass via the webcam or read in the New Testament.

Jesus continues to teach in the Temple. As the people listen, he speaks about being authentic, humble and true. While Jesus doesn’t use these words he warns his listeners about the scribes, teachers of the law who, ‘like to walk around in long robes, and to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces, and to have the best seats in the synagogues and places of honour at banquets.’ In addition, he says, ‘they devour widow’s houses and for the sake of appearance say long prayers.’ These people looked for notice and were attached to their possessions.

In Scripture we read that Jesus prayed alone and with the disciples, on mountain tops, beside the lake, in the garden, in houses, on the roadside, from the cross, and in lonely places. He accompanied people and reached out to those who were on the margins of society. He heard the cries of the sick, the poor, the lame, the hungry and he cared for them. He taught his disciples ‘those who are first will be last and those who are last will be first.’ (Mt 20:16). He told them he came among them ‘not to be served but to serve.’ (Mt 20:28). He also reminded them that they received without charge, they must give without charge (Mt 10:8).

Jesus then sat down and watched what was happening in the Temple. He saw many rich people putting money into the treasury. He noticed a poor woman putting in two small copper coins. At that point, he called his disciples and taught them a life-long lesson from this experience in a few words. He explained the rich people gave according to their abundance. The poor woman ‘out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on.’

Jesus spoke to them of the importance of sharing and generosity. The woman had a heart of love and gave all she had to live on, showing self-sacrifice and her dependence on God and her love of God. How did this poor woman know from where her next pennies would come? She trusted in God and his Divine Providence.

In the reading of the second letter from St Paul to Timothy (2 Tim 4:1-8), St Paul offers his last words of advice to Timothy, pleading, ‘I urge you to preach the Word, in season and out of season, reproving, rebuking or advising, always with patience and providing instruction.’



Children could be invited to chat about some ideas in this Gospel (Mk 12:38-44). They might chat about prayer; about whom we talk to when we pray; about praying with a thankful heart; being sorry; asking for something they need; praising God; and ask Jesus to pray for them and for people who live in poverty. They might: name the prayers they know, say a prayer and chat; families might say a prayer together; chat about being able to pray everywhere and the importance of taking a moment to pray in silence; pray Pope Francis’ ‘Five Finger Prayer’; pray to Mary, Mother of God and our Mother.

From the experience of prayer, they are invited to share what they have with others, especially those in need. The Holy Spirit will prompt and inspire them when they are ready.

Children might talk about the Temple and the Church and about their parish church. In First Class/P3 the children are introduced to an adapted version of the Scripture, ‘The Woman Who Gave All’ (Lk 21:1-4 and Mk 12:41-44). They recognise the woman’s willingness to share.  Children might reflect on their ability to share.

On the Word of God, children recognise the Sacred Scripture.  They are taught about the Bible as the inspired Word of God and to be treated with reverence and respect. People of other faith traditions also have sacred texts. The Jewish people read from the Torah and the Muslims read from the Qu ‘ran.

To help the children respect the Bible, they pray a ‘Prayer on Opening the Bible’ and a ‘Prayer on Closing the Bible’. The Bible is left in a prayer space at home and in school. They are encouraged to hear the Word of God proclaimed and are encouraged to listen and to hear what God might be saying to them in their hearts. They are invited to pray with the Word of God. They might like to read their favourite Scripture passage.

Resources are accessible on the VERITAS website; including the Children’s e-book and accompanying resources to explore the person of Jesus, as one who listened to the Word of God and heard the cries of the poor.

Logon: www.veritas.ie

Email: trial@growinlove.ie

Password: growinlove


READ from Grow in Love/ I nGrá Dé:

‘The Woman who gave all’ (Lk 21:1-4, Mk 12: 41-44).

SING from Grow in Love/I nGrá Dé:

‘ Bible Rap’, ‘ When Jesus was a Boy’, ‘Circle of Friends’, ‘Gathering Song’,’ The Servant Song’, ‘Spirit Filled Day’, ‘Love’, ‘The Summons’, ‘Hymn to St Brigid’, ‘They’ll Know We Are Christians By Our Love’, ‘Whatsoever You Do’, ‘Trust in the Lord (Psalm 37)’, ‘The Great Commandment’, ‘Use What You’re Given’, ‘Parish Anthem’, ‘Magnificat’, ‘Christ Be Our Light’, ‘The Beatitudes’,’ Care for the Earth’, ‘We Come To Your Feast’.

PRAY from Grow in Love/I nGrá Dé:


After the Readings

Reader: The word of the Lord.

People: Thanks be to God.


I ndiaidh na Léachta

Léitheoir: Briathar an Tiarna.

Pobal: Buíochas le Dia.


Bless me, O God, so that

in opening this Bible

I may open my mind and heart

to your Word.

May it nourish me

as it nourished Jesus. Amen.


Beannaigh mé, a Dhia, ionas

nuair a osclaím an Bíobla seo

go n-osclóidh mé m’intinn agus

mo chroí

do do Bhriathar.

Go gcothaí sé mé

faoi mar a chothaigh sé Íosa.



‘My lips will proclaim your intervention and tell of your salvation all day, little though it is what I can understand.’(Psalm 70:15)

‘Give your light, Lord, to those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death.’(Benedictus antiphon)

‘We give you thanks, O God; we give thanks to you the one and true Trinity, the one and highest God, the one and all-holy Unity.’ (Magnificat antiphon)

St Norbert, pray for us.

St Jarlath, pray for us.

O Mary conceived without sin; pray for us who have recourse to thee.


‘Besides, we know that approximately one-third of all food produced is discarded, and ‘whenever food is thrown out it is as if it were stolen from the table of the poor.’(Laudato Si’, no. 50)

Sr Anne Neylon