
During Covid-19 time, as people registered for vaccines, they waited for the medical authorities to call them to their prescribed venue. The call may have come by phone, by text or email. Having received one particular vaccine, people then waited for a call to receive their second vaccine. Sometimes there was a time lapse and people had to wait longer than anticipated for the call for vaccination. The waiting caused a certain amount of anxiety as news was spreading quickly about blood clots and other side effects of some vaccines. Simultaneously, people called the medical authorities seeking information and updates.

Much of our human life is about calling and waiting for calls. Think about the calls in your life. As time passes, automated calls are increasing.

The reading today (Ex 3:1-6, 9-12) proclaims God’s personal call to Moses as he was shepherding. God revealed Godself to Moses from the burning bush. The bush was on fire but did not burn up. Moses drew near to the bush and he heard God calling him, “Moses, Moses.” Moses answered, “I am here.” God told him not to come near, to take off his shoes that he was standing on holy ground. God said, “I am the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.” God then gave Moses a divine mission. He told him that he knew his people were suffering at the hand of the Egyptians in Egypt and he asked Moses to lead them from slavery in Egypt. Moses was reluctant to do what God asked him but God assured him he would be with him.

God’s personal call comes to each one in many and varied ways and places. Nevertheless, it is always personal and unique.

Psalm 102:1-4, 6-7 proclaims the psalmist’s praise of God.  From his soul, the psalmist acknowledges God’s blessing, forgiveness and love, mercy, compassion, justice and kind action. It is with joy and gratitude that the assembly responds, ‘The Lord is compassion and love.’

The Gospel proclaimed at Mass today (Mt 11:25-27) is a wonderful example of Jesus’ prayer of blessing to the Father. He recognises the great things that God has done in revealing the mysteries of God to those whom the world sees as the least important. He also blesses God for entrusting him with everything in life. Jesus enjoys the intimate relationship he has with the Father. He acknowledges that ‘no one knows the Son except the Father and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.’

As the disciples ponder on this passage, they too delight in their relationship with Jesus. Jesus chooses and calls those who are attentive to his love and action.  Jesus invites every disciple to share Jesus’ loving relationship with the Father. God loves unconditionally and God’s love is inclusive and all embracing. God gives free will to respond his love and call.

Disciples nourish their relationship with Jesus by reading the Scripture, by prayer and by reaching out in love to one’s neighbour. Jesus shows us how to do this and he sends the Holy Spirit to help the disciples to live lives of holiness.

God’s encounter with Moses is explored in the Grow in Love/ I nGrá Dé (Rang 3) religious education programme. Prayer is an integral part of the programme and all the formal prayers including the prayers of the Mass are printed at the back of the Grow in Love/I nGrá Dé Children’s textbooks and e-books, all available on the Grow in Love website.  Online resources including a video lyric accompany this Scripture text (Ex 3:1-6, 9-12).




Password: growinlove



  • The Apostle’s Creed/ Cré na nAspal
  • Hail Mary/ ’S é do bheatha a Mhuire


  • From your Bible or your Grow in Love/I nGrá Dé textbook or e-book read the story of God’s encounter with Moses in the burning bush (Ex 3: 1-6, 9-12)
  • Read Psalm 102 from your Bible and sense the compassion and love of God for all


  • Count the number of times you hear people call your name today
  • Count the number of times you call people today
  • Have you ever ignored or pretended you did not hear someone call you? Why was that?


Sr Anne Neylon