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Journeying Through Advent 3


Week Three: Among you stands one whom you do not know (John 1:19-28) I was a stranger and you welcomed me! Many of us forget that Joseph, Mary and Jesus had to flee their homeland and become refugees in Egypt for a period of time (Mt 2:1-15). They experienced the dread of travelling under cover […]

Journeying Through Advent 2


Week Two: Prepare the way of the Lord… (Mark 1:1-8) In Mark’s Gospel, John the Baptist, is presented to us as the ‘voice crying out in the wilderness’ heralding the arrival of the ‘one who is more powerful than I’ and he who will baptize with the Holy Spirit. John echoes the words of the […]

Journeying Through Advent 1


Week One: Keep Alert …  Keep Awake… (Mark 13:33-37) We begin our journey into Advent with the call to be attentive. What are we being called to be attentive to? Is it not the call to be attentive to the presence of God in all that we encounter? Is it not the call to recognise […]

World Day Of The Poor


Sunday, 19 November Extracts from the message of Pope Francis and a reflection by Fr Sean Healy SMA ‘Let us love, not with words, but with deeds.’ ‘This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him’ (Ps 34:6). The Church has always understood the importance of this cry. We possess an outstanding testimony to this in […]

Act justly, love tenderly, walk humbly


Today, 24 October, we celebrate the seventy-second anniversary of the United Nations. The United Nations evolved out of the aftermath of two horrendous world wars that brought untold suffering and loss of life. The purpose of the UN was to save ‘succeeding generations from the scourge of war’, to ‘reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights’, to ‘establish […]